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Our response to the Housing Ombudsman

16th May 2024


We try to do our best for every Sanctuary resident but we don’t always get it right. 

The Housing Ombudsman Service recently ordered us to review the reasons for our poor response to two customers who needed leaks repaired, plus damp and mould treated in their home. As part of a severe maladministration finding, the Housing Ombudsman asked us to look at how we deal with damp and mould issues more broadly to help us improve how we work, and also make things right for other Sanctuary residents similarly affected. Our engaged customers and Group Board carried out a thorough investigation, complementing the wider work we’re doing across the Group to improve our services.    

We’re glad to share that the Housing Ombudsman has now published the report from our investigation on its website. In the report we set out why our service has fallen short for a small number of Sanctuary customers, plus the actions – some completed, others underway – that are enabling our service to be better. 

We are determined to be open, honest, and transparent with our residents, and learn from our mistakes. While we can’t and won’t fix everything overnight, we’re committed to being the best landlord we can. 

Jean McDonnell, chair of Sanctuary’s Resident Scrutiny Panel, and Bob Werrett, chair of our Resident Advisory Panel, support our report’s conclusions. 

Jean and Bob said: “Our involvement in the review from start to finish showed us that Sanctuary’s put in place a number of improvements to deliver better services for its customers and prevent the failings it has accepted, from happening again. 

“No landlord is perfect, but we believe this sincere and detailed review will stand Sanctuary in good stead. We will continue working together with Sanctuary on its learning and improvement journey.”