We have around 14,000 employees who make up one team. From the top of our organisation to the frontline, we are united in working together for our mission. We include our residents in this, putting them at the heart of our decision-making.
We have a group structure, in which Sanctuary Housing Association is the parent company of a number of subsidiary operations within its control.
How we are regulated
We are subject to a range of laws, rules and regulations relevant to our business, which we must take all reasonable steps to comply with.
Our regulators include:
The Regulator of Social Housing
The Scottish Housing Regulator
The Care Quality Commission
Scottish Care Inspectorate

The Regulator of Social Housing sets Economic and Consumer standards all housing associations are expected to meet. Sanctuary has G1 governance and V2 viability ratings, reflecting both the strength of our governance arrangements and our financial stability and resilience. Our rating of C2 under the consumer standard demonstrates we are generally meeting the consumer standards expected.
Our governance structure

Our governance structure is made up of:
Group Board, chaired by Andrew Manning-Cox
Nominations Committee, chaired by Andrew Manning-Cox
Renumeration Committee, chaired by Ros Kerslake
Group Housing Board, chaired by Arvinda Gohil
Group Audit and Risk Committee, chaired by Ian Chisholm
Our resident panels work closely with our Group Board, Group Housing Board, and senior team, enabling diverse residents’ views to influence our services. Our Resident Scrutiny Panel challenges our senior management team about our services, while our Resident Advisory Panel helps us develop new policies, strategies, and ways of working.
The Group Board considers that the Group and its Registered Provider subsidiaries comply with the provisions of the National Housing Federation’s Code of Governance 2020.
Our boards

Group Board
The Group Board’s primary role is to define and ensure compliance with Sanctuary’s values and objectives.
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Executive Team
The Group Board delegates day-to-day management to the Group Chief Executive, Craig Moule and the Executive Team.
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Group Housing Board
Our Group Housing Board puts Sanctuary residents at the heart of our decision-making process.
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Group Audit and Risk Committee
The Group Audit and Risk Committee works with the Group Board on risk, internal control, fraud and auditing.
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Resident Scrutiny Panel (RSP)
Our Resident Scrutiny Panel works to enable diverse residents’ views to help influence Sanctuary’s services.
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Resident Advisory Panel (RAP)
This diverse body of residents use their voice to make sure your views are central to our decision-making.
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