Our Group Housing Board puts Sanctuary residents at the heart of our decision-making process.
Four customers sit alongside members from our Group Board and Executive teams, providing valuable insight from the residents directly affected by the strategic decisions we make.
Our Group Housing Board is a committee of our Group Board, Sanctuary’s most senior level of governance. It is tasked with making sure our ‘landlord services’ are efficient and meet our customers’ needs. This includes:
Monitoring and challenging our operational performance, helping us to be open and transparent with a focus on continuous improvement.
Reviewing and approving our housing policies, making sure they meet or exceed legal and regulatory standards.
Setting and monitoring service standards so we deliver our services efficiently and provide customers with value for money.
Making our resident engagement thorough and robust, while ensuring our resident scrutiny arrangements work effectively.
Our Group Housing Board’s members include the respective chairs of Sanctuary’s Resident Advisory Panel and Resident Scrutiny Panel, plus two other Sanctuary residents. They are joined by our Group Chief Executive, Chief Customer Officer and three of our Group Board’s Non-Executive Directors.
This is another important forum through which Sanctuary residents can influence the things that matter most to them.
Group Board Members
Executive Directors
Sanctuary Residents

Jazz Shaban