What’s a Tenant Satisfaction Measure?
Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) tell us how well we perform on the things most important to our customers.
TSMs cover two categories: Low-Cost Rented Accommodation (LCRA), covering those who rent, and Low-Cost Homeownership (LCHO), mostly shared owners.
We’re scored against a total of 22 TSMs. Twelve of the measures are based on resident perception by asking what those surveyed think of our services. The remaining 10 measures are based on the performance figures we collect across our operations and mostly relate to legal compliance.
Our TSM results are shared with the Regulator of Social Housing and used to drive change where we need to improve.

Our results for 2023-24
Most of the results on this page show a combined figure for how the Group’s regulated housing services – Sanctuary, the former Swan brand and Johnnie Johnson Housing – performed during 2023-24.
Two independent agencies spoke to a total of 3,884 residents between 1 April 2023 and 29 January 2024.
Residents were selected using a mixed method approach, making the survey more inclusive.
What we are measuring
We’ve grouped the measures under the six themes set out below. Some measures have separate results for low-cost rented and low-cost homeownership.

1. Overall satisfaction

2. Keeping properties in good repair

3. Maintaining building safety and safety checks

4. Respectful and helpful engagement

5. Responsible neighbourhood management

6. Effective handling of complaints
1. Overall satisfaction
TSM: Overall Satisfaction

66.5% (tenants)
TSM: Overall Satisfaction

50.1% (owners)
Neither of our overall satisfaction scores shown above were where we’d like them to be, but we’ve already seen improvements.
The score for our rented homes increased by 6.7% compared to 2022-23 thanks to changes we’ve made and are making to how our teams work. We want to create a local relationship with residents who are proud to live in a good, affordable, safe and secure Sanctuary home. The changes we’ve made are giving us a much more local approach to service delivery.
We know we need to do better for our shared owners and are working hard to improve things they’ve told us is important to them. This includes being clearer about what homeowners are responsible for and about what’s covered by service charges.

2. Keeping properties in good repair
TSM: Satisfaction with repairs

68.8% (tenants)
TSM: Satisfaction with the time taken to
complete their most recent repair

61.5% (tenants)
As shown above, more than two in every three tenants were satisfied with our repair service. Most were also satisfied with the time we took to complete their most recent repair.
The five ‘repair’ measures shown in this section do not apply to owners, who are responsible for repairing their own home.
TSM: Percentage of Sanctuary homes
not meeting the Decent Homes

TSM: Percentage of Non-Emergency
Repairs completed within our target

TSM: Percentage of Emergency Repairs
completed within our target timescale

3. Maintaining building safety and safety checks
TSM: Satisfaction that their
home is well maintained

68.1% (tenants)
TSM: Satisfaction that their
home is safe

76.0% (tenants)
TSM: Satisfaction that their
home is safe

76.6% (owners)

As shown above, three in every four residents surveyed thought their home was safe, while more than two thirds of tenants thought their home was well maintained.
Regarding the figures shown below, we aim to complete 100% of safety checks on time. We’re occasionally unable to get access to someone’s home or equipment but do what we can to keep everyone safe.
TSM: Gas Safety Check

TSM: Fire Safety Check

TSM: Asbestos Safety Check

TSM: Water Safety Check

TSM: Lift Safety Check

4. Respectful and helpful engagement
TSM: Satisfaction that Sanctuary listens
to residents’ views and acts upon them

53.2% (tenants)
39.1% (owners)
TSM: Satisfaction that Sanctuary keeps
residents informed about things
that matter to them

65.8% (tenants)
52.2% (owners)
TSM: Agreement that Sanctuary treats
residents fairly and with respect

75.1% (tenants)
59.1% (owners)
As shown above, just over half of our rented customers were satisfied we listen to them and act on their views. Almost two in every three thought we informed them about things that mattered. Three in every four rented customers felt we treated them fairly and with respect.
You can see that the results for our shared owners were lower than tenants for all three of these ‘respectful and helpful engagement’ measures.
We’re exploring changes to the way we engage with tenants and homeowners to improve these scores this year.

5. Responsible neighbourhood management
TSM: Satisfaction that Sanctuary keeps
communal areas clean and well

68.8% (tenants)
51.4% (owners)
TSM: Satisfaction that Sanctuary makes
a positive contribution to

TSM: Satisfaction with Sanctuary’s
approach to handling Antisocial


Most of our rented customers thought we kept communal areas clean and well maintained, that we made a positive contribution to neighbourhoods, and were satisfied with our approach to handling antisocial behaviour.
All three scores for these measures from shared owners were lower. While more than half were satisfied with how we clean and maintain communal spaces, we would like to significantly improve this score.
TSM: The number of Antisocial Behaviour
cases for every 1000 of our homes

TSM: The number of Antisocial Behaviour
cases for every 1000 of our homes
involving hate incidents

6. Effective handling of complaints
TSM: Satisfaction with Sanctuary’s
approach to handling complaints

31.5% (tenants)
TSM: Satisfaction with Sanctuary’s
approach to handling complaints

20.2% (owners)
Nearly one in three tenants and around a fifth of homeowners said they were satisfied with our approach to handling complaints during 2023-24.
Most landlords score lowest in this measure. We’re committed to making significant improvements and have already made changes to achieve this.
TSM: Number of Stage 1 complaints
received for every 1000 of our homes

94.1 (tenants)
67.0 (owners)
TSM: Number of Stage 2 complaints
for every 1000 of our homes

15.6 (tenants)
14.7 (owners)
TSM: Percentage of Stage 1 complaints
responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s
Complaint Handling Code timescale

76.1% (tenants)
80.0% (owners)
TSM: Percentage of Stage 2 complaints
responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s
Complaint Handling Code timescale

64.2% (tenants)
85.7% (owners)