1st December 2022

We’ve renewed our White Ribbon accreditation and are part of a community of organisations committed to ending men’s violence against women and promoting gender equality.
As an accredited organisation, we will take action to change any behaviour and culture that leads to abuse and violence against female employees and customers.
White Ribbon is a global campaign which aims to end violence by men against women by engaging with men and boys to prevent violence before it starts.
We’ve committed to delivering a comprehensive three-year action plan and have appointed a safeguarding steering group, which is chaired by senior leadership.
Nicole Seymour, Executive Director – Corporate Services, said: “The White Ribbon accreditation shows our dedication to the welfare of our residents and employees, and is one way we can make a positive difference in our communities.
“We’re committed to ensuring our organisational culture is a safe space where women can thrive.”
Anthea Sully, Chief Executive of White Ribbon UK, added: “White Ribbon accredited organisations can make a real difference towards ending violence against women by promoting a culture of respect and equality, among their staff and wider communities.
“By raising awareness among employees, people can learn how to become allies and call out violent and abusive behaviour when they see it, at work and in the wider community.
“We are delighted that Sanctuary is one of our White Ribbon accredited organisations and we are delighted to have their support, working with them towards ending violence against women once and for all.”