Read our privacy statement
Under the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we have to tell you:
- Why we want information about you;
- What we do with that information; and
- Who we share the information with.
1. Who are we?
2. Our Data Protection Officer
The Data Protection Officer checks what we do with your information and that we follow the law. You can write to Sanctuary's Data Protection Officer to ask more questions or send them an email.
Postal address: The Data Protection Officer, Sanctuary House, Chamber Court, Castle Street, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 3ZQ.
3. What information are we collecting?
Any information you provide to us in writing, electronically or face-to-face will be collected. This includes sensitive data relating to health, religion, gender, age, relationships, sexual orientation, and racial or ethnic origin.
Some of the information we collect will also include details such as your preferred language, current and past financial circumstances and whether you are employed.
4. Why are we collecting your information?
We provide a number of services as part of your tenancy with us and your information will help us tell you about these services. Without this information, we will not be able to offer you a tenancy.
We may ask you some questions about your personal and financial circumstances. If you agree to provide this information, it will be used to offer you tailored services.
To make sure that everyone is treated fairly and equally, we may need to ask you about your personal circumstances and whether you need extra support. For example, this could be improving the accessibility to a property for somebody with a disability, which is something required by law. This information can also help us improve our services.
Sanctuary is also required by organisations such as The Regulator of Social Housing (England) and The Scottish Housing Regulator (Scotland) to collect data on characteristics including ethnicity, disability and gender re-assignment to protect residents from unlawful discrimination.
5. What will we do with your information?
The information will be:
- Stored securely under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK GDPR
- Used to improve the services you receive from us
- Used to tailor services to your needs, for example providing translators at appointments or meetings where English is not your first language
- Used to manage your rent account
- Used to provide you with welfare benefit advice
- Used to arrange repairs
- Used for us to contact you
- Used to make sure our services are inclusive and not discriminatory.
6. Sharing your information
A number of different organisations make up Sanctuary Group and we will share your information with those other organisations when needed so that we can provide you with the best service. You can get more information from
We may need to share information with our contractors and sub-contractors so that they can carry out work for us. They will not share this information with anyone else.
We may also share information with:
- The Regulator of Social Housing (England)
- The Scottish Housing Regulator (Scotland)
- Utility companies
- The Police
- Local Authorities
- Council services
- Public Trustee (should a tenancy be terminated where there is no next of kin or Executor)
- Property management companies (to deliver services)
7. Security of your information
Your information will be stored securely electronically and paper forms will be shredded.
We will keep personal data for as long as you remain a resident. It will then be destroyed unless, for example, details are needed to chase rent arrears.
8. Your rights
You can:
- Ask us for access to your information;
- Ask us to change inaccurate or incomplete details;
- Ask us to delete your information;
- Ask us to limit what we do with your information;
- Object to our use of your information;
- Instruct us to send your information directly to another organisation.
Our Account Management Process is automated. You can:
- Ask for a member of our team to review your profile;
- Tell us what you think about the process;
- Challenge your Account Management Profile;
- Withdraw your consent at any time.
To do any of these things, please contact our Data Protection Officer.
Postal address: The Data Protection Officer, Sanctuary House, Chamber Court, Castle Street, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 3ZQ.
You can also complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).
Postal address: Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.