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Community Trigger

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Please note, this only applies in England and does not apply in Scotland.

As a landlord, we have a responsibility to make sure that all residents are able to enjoy their home and neighbourhood peacefully and without experiencing anti-social behaviour (ASB).

However, if you feel that there is more we can do to resolve your anti-social behaviour case, please tell us by using our online complaints form.

Alternatively, you may wish to initiate a Community Trigger (also known as the ASB Case Review) which gives a resident who reports persistent anti-social behaviour the right to request a multi-agency case review of their situation where a local threshold is met.

The local threshold is decided by the relevant local authority and each area chooses a lead agency to manage the process, usually the council or Police.

Sanctuary works in partnership with agencies, including the Police and local councils, to tackle and resolve cases of anti-social behaviour. We engage fully with the Community Trigger case review process, which you can find out more about on your local council’s website.

What is the Community Trigger?

If you have repeatedly reported an anti-social behaviour issue to us and we have not taken any action to resolve it, you can apply for the Community Trigger (ASB Case Review). The Community Trigger is set out in Sections 104 and 105 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.  It enables you to request a review of your anti-social behaviour case if certain thresholds are met. As a registered provider of social housing, we are required to co-operate with the process as defined in the Act.

The threshold for activating a Community Trigger is: 

  • three or more complaints made to us in the previous six-month period
  • the persistence of the anti-social behaviour
  • the harm, or potential harm, caused by the anti-social behaviour
  • the adequacy of response to the anti-social behaviour by us.

You should only use the Trigger if we have not taken any action after you have repeatedly reported the anti-social behaviour issue to us. You should not use the Trigger to report general acts of crime which should be reported to police. Applying for or activating the Community Trigger does not interfere with your right to follow our internal complaints or anti-social behaviour procedure; both processes can run at the same time.

How to activate the Community Trigger?

To activate a community trigger, you need to contact your local authority and make an application with them. You will need to provide the council with:

  • your name, address, contact details
  • a description of the antisocial behaviour incident.

You will also need to let the council know, either: 

  • The three times you have reported this issue already or
  • The name of four other people who have also reported the issue. 

You can find more detailed information on the process, which is administered by your local authority, including the threshold for and the ways to apply for a Trigger, on your local council’s website. Click here to find your local council